Embark on an enchanting adventure with 'My Missing Toys Adventure,' a delightful hidden objects game crafted with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, enriched with captivating assets created using SVG illustrations. Join a young boy on a quest to reunite with his scattered toys within the confines of his cozy home.

Dive into 'My Missing Toys Adventure' and let the thrill of exploration and discovery captivate your imagination. It's more than just a game; it's a journey through the whimsical world of childhood wonder.


The objective of "My Missing Toys Adventure" is to engage players in a thrilling quest to help a young boy find his scattered toys hidden throughout his house. Players must carefully search each scene, employing keen observation and problem-solving skills to locate all the missing items within the allotted time.

With clear instructions and an added challenge of a ticking timer, the game aims to entertain and challenge players aged 8-12, fostering a sense of accomplishment and delight as they successfully reunite the boy with his beloved toys.



The culmination of the project is an accessible restaurant application enabling customers to select from three restaurants within the "Family of Eateries" conglomerate. Users can seamlessly access information, peruse menus, and make bookings directly through the app. This multifaceted solution was achieved through the integration of various skills, including design, wireframing, prototyping, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. To experience the final result of the project, please explore the application and interact with its features.